Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Cross Cookies

I had the opportunity to try something new AND a good excuse to buy new cookie supplies. The order was for Easter cross cookies. Didn't they turn out gorgeous? I used marbled, pink, green and purple marshmallow topping and my new fondant embossing mats. I am in LOVE with these mats the work really well and it is defiantly easier than using craft stencils to emboss, like I had been doing previously.

This next photo is the one I did to see if I was headed in the right direction for what my friend wanted it. This is using the craft stencils and some small cookie cutters to make "embossing" designs on the cookies.
While they are very cute I am so glad I decided to get the embossing mats. I think they really made the cookies look great!

I'm learning new things with every order! If you know anyone that is having a party or special occasion let them know about customized cookies!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Gymanstics Cookies

This project has to be at the top of my list of favorite projects!My friend asked me to make gymnastic themed cookies for her daughters birthday party.

 SO we got to brainstorming and went with these gymnastics silhouette simple round cookies in her daughters favorite color. I tried SEVERAL methods of applying the silhouette.I tried just using a food writer pen...it looked to boring. I tried piping it....too hard! I settled on using a new technique to me called cookie stenciling. After reading several posts on how to make your own stencil and make the royal icing stiff enough I got to town. Who would have though that creating a cookie would start with a trip to office depot to get clip art printed! I think they turned out REALLY cute! and I learned a new technique.
After all was said in done we decided to add some sparkle and then my friend packaged them and put this label on it! Isn't it cute!?


In other cookie news, I am starting my first class in cake decorating this coming Tuesday night! I could not be more excited! I have not had any professional training outside of you tube and I am looking forward to learning the right way to do things and being able to create more and more art on cookies! I will need a good excuse to practice my lessons so let me know if you have any cookie needs I would love to make it happen!

Friday, October 7, 2011

I never knew cake had...uh...er...

cake balls!!

I've heard of these cake balls they are ALL OVER blog world but never tried them till now. They. are. good. very very good!  They are all the best parts of cake shaped into balls. A moist cake mixed with icing then covered in chocolate, addicting! Ahese I made in the shape of cupcakes...here I go again shaping baked goods like other baked goods. They were a welcome to the world baby gift for one of my closest friends.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Thomas the Train Cookies

"I make good decisions that's what I was told, I will not be fearful I'll be brave and bold." ~ Misty Island Rescue, Thomas and Friends.

Thomas is a big deal around our house. We play Thomas the train, we watch it, Luke and I have been known to quote it in our every day lives...When my 2 1/2 yr old wants to watch it he asks for"Thomas and Friends, making tracks to great destinations?" all in one sentence. Cookies for my little boy:

These would be great for a birthday part or baby shower or a special treat for good behavior.  Contact me to order your own...I can make James, Percy, or any of the other trains as well!

Contact me to order your own...I can make James, Percy, or any of the other trains as well!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Cupcake cookies

Cupcake cookies, sometimes I just laugh at myself. I don't know why but I think it is so ironic to eat a cookie shaped like a cupcake. Maybe its because a lot of cookiers that I know are also cupcakers and both are venues for some wonderful flavors and artistic design... A cookie SHAPED like a cupcake and frosted with butter cream so funny and YUMMY! Again this picture was taken on my phone because, even though I've moved in for 2 weeks, the camera is still packed. I have priorities...cookies, cupcakes, icing, icing, clean house THEN camera (or unpacking however you want to look at it.)

i pod cookies - hardest order to date

When I received an order for i pod touch cookies I was very excited to try something so fun! Then I found out we had to move within the same 3 days I needed to make the cookies, my stress level rose. THEN I found out the birthday boy wanted his cookie to be peanut butter chocolate chip! so-- two failed attempts to bake a peanut butter chocolate chip cookie in the shape of an ipod touch without it spreading later... I ended up making a very thin bar cookie with mini-chocolate chips. Then I cut the shape out with a very sharp knife, after the bar was cool...it worked. They didn't turn out as nicely as I would have liked and the experience of making black fondant was exciting. I used an edible pen to draw on the apps that usually come with the ipod touch. because I don't have my own i pod touch I looked one up online. 

The birthday boy was pleased and that's all that matters. Here is a picture I took on my phone because the camera was packed....

Send me a message to order your own cookies of tec gadgets!

Race for the Cure

This cookie has been the most special cookie that I have created. It holds many many memories and feelings. This past year my mother and I started training to run 5ks! I have ran 3 this summer and look forward to many many more. The Race for the Cure 5k was the most important because it reminded me of how close I came to losing my mom when we heard she was fighting breast cancer. I remembered the fear, worry and then the trusting in God, the doctors and medicine to save my mom! As we all know by now I need an outlet for my emotions....

We didn't care about the time, skill or form while on this race I was just glad to complete it side by side with my mom!
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