Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Thankful Attempt at Buttercreme, Thanksgiving Cookies

I was starting to learn about different types of icing by the time Thanksgiving came around. For a Thanksgiving party I made these footballs and pumpkins. My 2 year old LOVED the footballs!
I am aware that I am totally sports illiterate seeing as how I made the footballs with black “lines” and have since been informed, by a number of sources, that they are supposed to be white “lines.” I will be making them differently next time I attempt a football.
The Buttercreme is DELICIOUS, my favorite tasting icing. The downfall is that they don’t “dry” it stays squishy. If I stack the cookies they will mess each other up. So for a party that is in an hour and you bring your cookies on a platter, buttercreme will be a hit! For shipping or making ahead, the marshmallow icing or royal icing is probably your better bet.

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