Monday, March 21, 2011

So He "Popped" the Question---I Made A Cookie!

We all know that my sister is engaged. Believe me no one can forget it even if we wanted, (which we don't because she really loves this guy and he really loves her!) Since D "Popped" the question, wedding planning has commenced and among some of the plans is a reception in a theater! how cool! Right? So I figured I better get started on the cookies! This pop corn cookie is my first idea with D and G OR David and Glenna, the names of the bride and groom.  Here are what the cookies look like!

                                                                                            Comment: Which one is your favorite? the "D and G" one or the "David and Glenna" one OR option number three the "D and G one with David and Glenna written on it"?

Let me know which one you like best!


  1. I like the shape of the D & G one the best, but I'm not sure which way I like the names best. :) Super cute idea!!!

  2. Definitely the D & G Shape!!!

  3. What about popcorn flavored jelly-bellies for the popcorn? would they look right?

  4. I love the look of the popcorn on here!! It is so realistic! You have some talent!!


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